Stop Salt and Sugar Cravings

Sunflower Seeds

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They're packed with nutrients, and snacking on a handful may regulate your nerves and muscles.

Eat this: A 1/4-cup serving

ON WOMEN'S HEALTH: 10 Snacks That Fight Fat

Plain Frozen Yogurt with Fresh Fruit

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It has less fat than ice cream but five grams of filling protein per serving. Fruit gives it more flavor, texture and vitamins.

Eat this: 1 1/2 cups

ON WOMEN'S HEALTH: Healthy Smoothie Recipes You’ll Love

Dark Chocolate

Photo by Veer

Just a small portion of this antioxidant-filled treat satisfies a sweet tooth.

Eat this: 1 oz. dark chocolate with 65 percent (or more) cacao

ON WOMEN'S HEALTH: The Healthiest Types of Chocolate You Can Eat


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They satisfy a salt craving while delivering more natural antioxidants than most other nuts. Plus, the shells will slow you down.

Eat this: 30 in-shell nuts

ON WOMEN'S HEALTH: 6 Nuts With the Best Health Benefits

Mini Whole-Wheat Pretzels

Photo by Getty Images/StockFood

Crunchy and packed with fiber to keep you fuller longer, so you won't reach for a higher-calorie food.

Eat this: 1 oz. pretzels (about a handful)

ON WOMEN'S HEALTH: Trigger Foods to Avoid