How to Cook Light for Two

Step 1

Substitute lighter choices for the heavier regulars in your chosen recipes, such as whole wheat pasta or bread instead of regular pasta or white bread, and sweet potatoes instead of white or golden potatoes.

Step 2

Divide meat packages into individual serving sizes with the freezer bags. Use the correct portion of meat for each person if you wish to serve a classic meat-and-vegetables combination: 6 ounces, or the size of the palm of your hand, is the proper individual portion and will leave you feeling light. Chicken breasts and white fishes such as tilapia are delicious and light.

Step 3

Use plenty of fresh produce in your meal. Start with a spinach or arugula salad topped with your choice of vegetables. Steam or saute a mix of some side veggies such as zucchini, broccoli or bell peppers. Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil for an added health benefit while sauteing, and sprinkle the finished product with some seasonings to make them even more flavorful. Since fresh vegetables can be purchased in any amount, cooking them for two is easy and fast.