Step 1
Squirt liquid dish soap directly on an oil stain.
Step 2
Add some water to the dish soap and wet down the area around the concrete. This will prevent any oil released from the stain from staining the surrounding concrete as you scrub it out.
Step 3
Use a nylon-bristled scrub brush to scrub the stain. Add enough water to create a rich lather. The soap will lift the oil out of the concrete.
Step 4
Blot the dirty soap mixture with paper towels and throw them away or use cat litter or sawdust to absorb the mixture and then sweep it up. This will keep the oily, soapy mixture out of your lawn.
Pet Urine and Feces
Step 1
Blot up any remaining urine and pick up any remaining feces from the stained area.
Step 2
Sprinkle baking soda on the stain. The baking soda will act as a mild cleanser and deodorizer.
Step 3
Pour hydrogen peroxide directly on the baking soda-covered stain.
Step 4
Let the mixture sit on the stain for several minutes.
Step 5
Scrub the mixture with a nylon-bristled scrub brush. Rinse clean. The peroxide and baking soda shouldn't damage your lawn.