Relationships can be challenging, but they can be especially hard if you don't really want to be in one. Even if you do want to be with your partner, there might be signs you're giving that are communicating the opposite. Remember that whole "actions speak louder than words" thing? Yep, some actions send very strong (and sometimes hurtful) signals. Here are 16 signs that you might be self-sabotaging your relationship.
You focus on the negative first

Constantly criticizing your spouse can be a quick road to a breakup. It's just as easy to focus on the positive rather than perpetually focusing on what's bad.
You have to be right

Relationships are all about compromise. But if you have to be right all the time, chances are you'll also be alone all the time. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who always makes them feel wrong.
You take everything personally

Relationships are all about giving your partner the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people are insensitive, forgetful, or just in a bad mood, and it has nothing to do with you. Really!
You don't trust your partner

Anyone who feels constantly second-guessed or that his partner assumes the worst in him, no matter what he does, will not want to stick around too long. Unless your partner has broken your trust, he shouldn't have to constantly earn it.
You're a big flirt

A good way to make your partner feel insecure about your commitment to her is to flirt with other people. Flirt with your partner. It's way more fun.
Everything else is more important to you

Your whole life doesn't have to be your relationship. But if you want the relationship to last, you can't prioritize everything above it.
You talk about your ex all the time

If you constantly talk about, or complain about, the person who came before your current partner, chances are you'll leave the impression that you still want to be with your ex. Move on โ you're with someone new now.
You correct everything your partner says and does

Let's just be honest: No one wants to be in a relationship with a know-it-all. And those dishes will get clean even the way he does it.
You've stopped being romantic

Romance doesn't have to, and shouldn't, end when the relationship becomes official. In fact, the key to keeping a relationship alive is keeping up the romance. So if you've stopped writing him those cards, or you haven't bought her flowers in ages, ask yourself why? And then go write that card.
You're mad that your partner can't read your mind

If you don't communicate, your partner has no way of knowing what you want and need. After all, you're in a relationship with a person, not with a psychic.
You're pretending to be someone you're not

It might seem like a great idea to take on all your partner's hobbies and interests, until the day comes when you admit that you hate skiing or watching sports. If the foundation of your relationship is based on you being inauthentic, there's only so long it can last.
You don't pull your own weight

If your partner is doing all the work, either physically or emotionally, you'll probably be in a short-lived relationship. Step up. It takes two to tango and make a relationship work.
You don't support your partner's accomplishments

Big or small, your partner's accomplishments are worthy of you noticing and celebrating.
You can't go with the flow

Your partner might change over time, but it's up to you to change with her.
You take your partner for granted

Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you should stop appreciating your spouse. Taking a spouse for granted is a sure-fire way to become single.
You want your partner to be just like you

You're in a relationship โ you're not a twin. Your partner doesn't have to be just like you or do the things you like to do to be with you.