16 Simple Things Parents Can Do to Raise Incredible Kids

Expose Your Kids To As Much Culture As Possible

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If you want to raise out-of-the-box kids, take them to interesting places and expose them to all kind of cultural experiences. They'll develop their own tastes, thanks to the exposure and uncommon experiences.

Encourage Your Kids To Love Learning

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Kids who love to read and learn will continue to be curious and engaged with the world through their lives.

Don't Just Talk About Kindness

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Incredible kids are genuinely kind, and that comes from actively teaching kids to be kind rather than just talking about it.

Encourage Kids To Follow Their Passion

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Kids excel at things in which they are skilled and in which they are interested. So while you may wish your kid loved what you did as a kid, encourage their passions—even if they're different from yours.

Prioritize Family Time And Connecting With Your Kids

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The confidence others respond to that makes them say, "That kid is incredible!" comes in part from feeling connected to family at home. So while you may not want to spend another hour playing Candyland or watching "Star Wars" again, logging those hours of connection with your kid helps that kid go out into the world and connect with others.

Go Easy On Screen-Time

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There isn't a parent in the world who hasn't been warned about the effects of screen-time on kids. Suffice it to say, incredible kids are outgoing and well-rounded, so ease up on screen-time and give your kids opportunities to explore other interests and skills.

Give Your Kids Some Responsibility

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There's nothing incredible about a kid who wants to be waited on hand and foot. So choose age-appropriate things your child can be responsible for, from putting away his or her own clean clothes, to making his or her bed, to walking the dog. These may seem like trivial chores, but they'll help your child take responsibility for his or her self. Now that's incredible!

Cut The Bragging On Your Kid's Behalf

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Every kid has strengths and weakness, but some show their strengths earlier than others. That doesn't make the kid who can sing well in 3rd grade, or that boy who hits baseballs at 90 miles per hour by junior high, any better than the kids who can't. So while it's always great to compliment a kid's hard work, avoid talking about your child like he or she is better than other kids. You'd hate for your kid to think she's actually better than other kids. It's gross.

Encourage Struggle

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We want our incredible kids to be resilient problem-solvers. That means we have to let them learn resiliency through struggle. So give your kids time to struggle a bit. You may find they solve their own problems and learn that they can do anything if they put their minds to it.

Celebrate Your Child's Unique Qualities

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The things that are unique about children—from their sense of humor, to style, to their unique way of learning—are all part of what makes our kids who they are. Their incredible selves include those quirks that may make them stand out in a crowd. By encouraging those quirks, we give them the confidence to be comfortable in their own skin and also to find compassion to celebrate the quirks of others.

Teach Your Kids To Speak Up For Themselves

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When adults see a child who can speak up and articulate their own feelings, we come away thinking how incredible that child is. That's because it is incredible when a kid can advocate for themselves. That skill comes from family members and teachers who encourage kids to speak up and speak out.

There's Nothing Wrong With Manners And Respect

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Let's face it: it's always incredible to be in the company of a kid with manners. And what parent doesn't glow after hearing their kid is always respectful to his teachers? Kids learn manners from their parents. The more respectful you are, the more respectful your incredible kid will be.

Encourage Your Kid To Have Some Fun!

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Let's face it, there's nothing incredible about stressed-out kids whose entire lives consist of homework and studying. Kids need to have a good time, blow off some steam and relax. Just like we do.

Encourage Your Child To Make Deep Connections With Others

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It's always incredible to see a kid who id deeply connect to peers and family. Nurture that, even if it means mom and dad driving across town to endless playdates. Or hosting noisy sleepovers. Those hours parents put in help kids to make stronger and deeper connections with peers.

Encourage Kids To See And Do New Things

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An incredible kid isn't afraid of what is new and different. The more we expose our kids to new and different, the more they'll embrace it. Travel is a great—and one of the most fun—ways to do this.

Encourage Your Child To Express Themselves

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Personal style and personal expression are part of what makes an incredible kid. So even if it means our son goes to school wearing blue nail polish or your daughter has decided to temporarily change her name to Pinkalicious, giving kids a voice and an outlet for self-expression helps bring out the incredible in them.