17 Hilarious Tweets About Forced Homeschooling That We All Can Relate To

Schools are closed, social distancing is the new norm, and most of us aren't supposed to leave our house except for true essentials. While all this is in the interest of the safety of the general population, and we should all do our part (yes, that means staying away from grandparents and no playdates), that doesn't mean it's not incredibly hard.

The thought of homeshooling for 8 weeks or more is enough to drive any non-homeschooling parent mad. So, before you fall into your daily pit of despair over color-coded schedules (or the lack thereof), trying to teach math you don't even understand yourself or, you know, just keeping your kids from killing each other, just know: you are not alone.

So, read on, because couldn't we all use a laugh today?