Easy Valentine’s Day Ideas for When You’re in the Thick of the Baby Months

If you're busy figuring out life with a new baby, chances are, Valentine's Day isn't top-of-mind. Seriously, you might not have even realized how quickly it's creeping up on us. But acknowledging your partner on the romantic โ€” albeit commercialized โ€” holiday can be really special, especially if romance has taken the backburner in recent months.

The thing is, you probably don't have the mental or physical energy โ€” or perhaps even the ability โ€” to put too much thought into planning for an amorous occasion. Valentine's Day is likely going to look a lot different this year, and in reality, for many years going forward. But that doesn't mean you can't still make sure your partner feels loved, appreciated, and well… sexy. Here are some fun, easy Valentine's Day ideas for new parents.

Get Some Help

Cuteness overload

We get it โ€” we've been there. It's not easy to leave a brand-new baby. But if you're comfortable with it, and baby has a nice routine down at home, ask a close friend or family member, like a grandma or a sibling, to come to your place and watch the baby for a bit while you and your partner go out for some couple time. Even just an hour is enough to reconnect, have a good conversation, and remember who you were as a couple before baby. It doesn't even have to be at night โ€” breakfast, lunch, and coffee dates are highly underrated (and probably far less crowded on February 14).

Celebrate When You Can

Valentine's Day Dining Table

Once you become a parent, your schedule isn't really your own anymore. Instead of worrying about what you're going to do on February 14 after work, or when no one can watch the baby for you, just swap the day with one that is more convenient.

Prepare a Favorite Meal

Dinner party.

What is your partner's absolute favorite meal? You know, the one they haven't had the time to enjoy since before baby was born? That's the one. Either set aside some time to make a special meal, or find a restaurant you can order it from for your Valentine's Day celebration.

Get Fancy

Man holding a gift for his girlfriend

To that end, serve that favorite meal after the baby is in bed for the night, when you typically have at least a couple of hours of peace and quiet. And set the scene! Bring out the good wine and those pretty long-stemmed wine glasses, light some candles, and maybe even get freshly showered and dressed up. A little bit of extra effort can go a long way.

Make Something Together

I love your creativiti

Pick a project that you and your love would be interested in, and take some time to work on it together this Valentine's Day. Whether it's painting, baking bread, reupholstering furniture, or working on a puzzle, creating something together is a great way to bond. You'll have to work as a team and be in very close proximity to each other for a decent amount of time, both of which can help rekindle the flame.

Create an At-Home Spa

Woman applying clay mask on her boyfriend's face. Young loving couple taking care of skin at home

Doing at-home spa treatments together is a simple at-home date night idea for Valentine's Day that doesn't take a lot of effort and will make you both feel awesome. It can be as simple as doing your skincare routines together. The trick is to increase touch by doing the steps on each other. Wash and exfoliate each other's faces, apply each other's masks and lotions, and just enjoy pampering each other.

Go for a Hike

Family time in Tofino

Even if it's outside of your comfort zone, doing something like going for a hike together can be a welcome change of pace. If it happens to be cool outside on Valentine's Day, you can bundle up, get some fresh air and vitamin D, and spend a couple of hours reviving or even challenging your bodies together. The increased blood flow from the movement will increase mood-boosting hormones and perhaps get you feeling a bit more in tune with your body. Plus, you can actually take the baby with you, because they'll likely fall asleep in the carrier. It's a great time for real conversation.

Ask What You Can Do

Young family having breakfast in the kitchen
Rossella De Berti/iStock

Sometimes all it takes to make your partner feel seen and cared for is a single question. Start by asking him or her what you can do to lighten their load, even if it's just something you can do that day. What task could they use a break from? If they won't tell you, think of whatever task they enjoy the least and take over for the day.

Have a Picnic

Happy dad  and mom with little daughter in the park

Doing something outside of the norm โ€” even if it's something small โ€” can help a couple reconnect. A simple picnic is one way to spend time together on Valentine's Day that doesn't require a ton of energy or planning. It might even remind you of your early dating days! If you live somewhere cold, you can even do a living room picnic by spreading out a blanket, putting on a movie, and enjoying some yummy food together. Best part? You won't even need a babysitter!

Write a Love Letter

Love letter envelope

And do it with pen and paper instead of a text. It's old-fashioned, but that's exactly why it's more romantic. It shows you took the time and made the extra effort to express to your partner what they mean to you, especially as your relationship has changed since you became parents.

Take Pictures Together

Parents with baby taking selfie at home

Now that there's an adorable tiny human around, you probably don't take too many pictures of you and your partner anymore. But memories from this stage of your life matter, too. Use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to get some snaps of you and your partner. It's OK if the baby is in them too. If you have the time and the means, splurge on professional photos. If not, selfies will do.

Give Each Other Back Rubs

I think we should make massages a daily thing
Rowan Jordan/iStock

You may not have time to go out for a professional couple's massage, but you can still offer each other a bit of relaxation at home on Valentine's Day. Even if it's only five or 10 minutes a piece, a neck and shoulder rub will make your partner feel cared for and help them de-stress.

Break Out the Old Photos

Cheerful couple using mobile phone in dining room
Morsa Images/iStock

Whether you have them printed in photo albums or you're scrolling through them on your phone, break out some old photos and take a trip down memory lane. Looking at photos from throughout your relationship will remind you of where you started and help you remember just how much you love and care for each other. It's also an easy thing to do when you're just lying in bed together exhausted.

Start a New Tradition

baby photoshoot with hearts
Pavlina Popovska

There's no better time than your first Valentine's Day as new parents to start a new tradition. Now is the time to start doing something for the holiday that includes the baby, because while they may not remember their first Valentine's Day, you'll likely celebrate with your children for many years. So whether it's baking a batch of heart-shaped cookies or making a memento with baby's footprint, there are so many new Valentine's Day traditions you can start now that you're a family of three.

Be Realistic

Cookies in shape of heart with cup of coffee or tea on the morning.

Even if Valentine's Day was once a big deal for you and your partner, you'll likely have to adjust your expectations after becoming a parent for the first time. Grand gestures aren't really realistic in the first year of parenting, so make sure you accept that ahead of the holiday, so you can avoid feelings of disappointment.