Lindsay Kavet doesn't know much for sure, but she has known since she was little she wanted to be a director. Upon moving to Los Angeles she waited tables and ran errands for people. It wasn't until becoming a mother that she suddenly worried it was all over for her (before it even began). In response she co-created Expressing Motherhood, a stage show that features people sharing their stories about motherhood on stage. She has a passion for road safety that she expresses in her blog Fix The Toaster. Lindsay's thinks her finest moment is how fast she got her house cleaned and picked out an outfit from T.J. Maxx when Maria Shriver's producer called her at 3 p.m. on a Thursday and said Maria would like to interview Expressing Motherhood the next day at 10 a.m. Despite her battle with controlling her temper she still sneaks in every night, stares at her three kids, kisses them and wishes she could keep them this size forever.
What was your favorite childhood toy?
My hot pink big wheel, which beat every boy's on the block