What Are the Most Important Things To Get for My New Baby?

Bringing your newborn home from the hospital can be both exciting and overwhelming. We're sure you have an endless list of questions, starting with, "What exactly does my baby need?"

Don't worry, mama, we've got you covered.

We asked five experienced moms and three experts to share the most important things to have in your home in time for your baby's arrival. Here's what they had to say.

Lots of wipes!


"An approved infant car seat, a sturdy/convenient stroller, a safe crib (better if it's new), a cozy blanket, newborn diapers (a couple of boxes to start with), and lots of wipes!"

— Johanna Torres, Mom.com editor and mom of three

Diapers! And a lot of patience


"Diapers! And a lot of patience. Learn to meditate before you have your baby because they can sense your every emotion but don’t know how to process it. If you’re anxious, they feel it’s because of them."

Shazia, mom of two

Keep the receipts


"Anything you get, just make sure to have a receipt. Some babies love to be swaddled, some don't. They may or may not like the pacifier you get or bottle nipple. The clothes may be too big for a little while or newborn sizes may be snug at birth. Just be flexible and open to trial and error, that is what your baby needs most."

Ashleigh Adams, mom of one

Vitamin D drops


"I recommend vitamin D drops (vitamin D enhances bone growth, improves immunity, and decreases risk of certain cancers), a co-sleeper to enhance nighttime nursing, a breast pump, nursing pillow, nursing bra, car seat, stroller, baby bag, clothes, blanket, and a book about your baby's growth and development in the first couple of months. That way, in case something is abnormal, you will know when to notify your pediatrician."

Dr. S. Daniel Ganjian, pediatrician at Providence Saint John's Health Center

Onesies with hand covers


"The most important essentials for your new bundle of joy are swaddles, onesies with hand covers, sound machine, bottles, lots and lots of diapers, wipes, burp cloths/bibs, car seat, crib/bassinet, breast pump (if you breast feed), changing station, and a stroller."

Christy Quinn, mom of one

Donut pillow for mom


"Car seat & stroller (Duh!). Hospital bag before you check in. Make sure you are ready with supplies at home when you arrive with the bundle of joy! Top items: pacifier, toys that are colorful and those that make sound (activity gym & play mat), baby lotion, diapers, baby blankets, onesies, pajamas, undershirts, sweater (if it is cold), socks and booties (those are cute), mittens, baby monitor, nightlight, crib, bouncer/swing (with music), diaper pail, baby soap, baby shampoo, baby bathtub that fits your sink, soft-bristle hairbrush, feeding bottle, breast pump, nursing pillow, donut pillow for mom, thermometer, nail clipper, first-aid kit, baby formula."

Anonymous, dad of two

A diaper subscription


"Diaper subscription saved my sanity! No late-night trips to the store or them growing out of a size in the middle of a pack."

Jacalyn Wetzel, mom of four

A good rocker or glider to nurse In


"Baby gear, toys, and clothes can overwhelm new moms. The real basics are a good rocker or glider to nurse in, a place to change the baby that won't throw your back out (I've tried changing on the bed and it killed my back), a co-sleeper and/or crib, and a steel diaper bin (plastic ones retain the smell!)."

Nicole Coppola, mom of two