What Does Venus (the Love Planet) Say About You?

What's Your Love Style?

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The planet Venus determines how you approach love, relationships and money. Depending on its position in your chart, you may love to fight or love to make up after a good fight. Where money is concerned, you may burn through it or treat it like your god. This list will give you insight into your heart, but to determine the power of Venus in your chart, visit astro.com.

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Aries and Venus are polar opposites. Remember "Men Are from Mars and Women Are From Venus"? With Venus in Aries, affairs of the heart are rarely harmonious. If this describes you, you may find yourself being competitive with your partners. The upside is that Venus also rules your drive for money, and Aries has the energy and fire to work harder than most. When you add Venus to the mix, you get love and passion to fuel the desire for success.

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If you have Venus in Taurus, there is good chance that you are pretty much in love with love, with money and with art. Venus rules Taurus, meaning this is her domain and comfort zone. Your life might read like a fantastic romance novel, with all the best foods, museums, music festivals and gorgeous lovers. You love extravagance and luxury, and will break the bank to have the things you love.

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The written word is your deepest love, but you don't do poorly at any form of communication. You just love words. You also love having more than one lover, as your heart is easily distracted by someone new on the scene. For the most part, your desire for many lovers is rooted in pure curiosity to experience the unknown that comes with new people.

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Those with Venus in Cancer tend to find ways to make their home an artist's refuge. If this is you, your home is warm, beautiful and comfortable. Your furnishings will be appealing to the eye and relaxing. You love partnerships and usually create love relationships that stand the test of time because your security (and that of your children) is primary for you. Money tends to make you feel secure.

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How fancy and romantic can one person be? Well, when Venus lands in Leo, expect that person be somewhat over the top in their desire for all things beautiful and luxurious. People with this placement love Hollywood beauty and good looks in their partners. It's also not surprising if you have a flair for drama or if you are an actor. Performing is life's dream and if you're not doing it in front of a camera, you'll create drama wherever you go.

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OK, there's not much that's luscious and decadent about Venus in Virgo—that is, unless you love and value organization and pragmatism. People with this placement are geniuses at creating systems that make theirs and others' lives flow. In love relationships, Venus in Virgo folks need things to make sense for their life and partners. They're not ones to get lost in love and run off into the moonlight.

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Venus in Libra is another great placement, as Libra is the planet's second home. Libra handles Venus differently from Taurus, as Libras make beauty out of one-on-one relationships. Yes, they love art as well, but Libras have just the right touch and rarely get bogged down with extremes. If your Venus is in Libra, beauty follows you and seeps from your pores. Love is always on your mind and rarely out of arms' reach.

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Art is very meaningful for you; it's not likely that you'd hang anything on your walls that doesn't speak to your soul. If you're a lover of literature, it's the life-changing novels that bring you fulfillment—or, who knows, you may even be writing them. Your heart does not fall into frivolous affairs. For you, love is deep, expressive, intense and true. It's all or nothing, if Venus lands in Scorpio.

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The world is your museum, and you enjoy architecture from various time periods, as well as art forms that highlight periods in art history. It all makes you feel expansive and connected to the soul of humanity. For Venus in Sagittarius, love is another act of expansion and freedom, making it challenging for you to appreciate monogamy. Love truly is an act of generosity in your mind. The more love and lovers you have, the more fulfilled you are.

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You like to play it safe, and so your way of expressing yourself in art and in love leans toward the traditional. If you have Venus in Capricorn, you love your work and the rewards it garners you. It's likely you experience a great deal of joy from your career, as Venus adds a heartfelt energy to everything it touches. Your heart is open to love, and you are dedicated and deeply sensitive in ways you rarely reveal. Loyalty is what you give and also what you expect in return.

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Aquarius is the natural rebel of the zodiac, and this is no less the case when Venus lands in Aquarius. For you, art has to be innovating, transformative, high-tech and—in some ways—idea-shattering. You are unconventional in love, as well, creating relationships that allow you to be free, expressive and individualistic.

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A photo by Greg Rakozy. unsplash.com/photos/SSxIGsySh8o
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Venus in Pisces is where dreams are made. This is one of the most creative placements a person can have in their chart. This is where Disney fairy tales begin, in the minds of those with Venus in Pisces. You dream of love and long for it, even when you're in a relationship. You can't be rescued by Prince Charming often enough and you occasionally have idealistic notions of love that may get in the way of your happiness.

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