There is a simple lesson most of us teach our toddlers when it comes to receiving gifts: You get what you get and you don't get upset. That's a message one mom could use herself. There is a birthday invite causing a lot of buzz — not because of whose party it is or the theme. Rather, it's the host's gift demands that have everyone doing a double take.
Posted on Reddit and dubbed the "Most Demanding First Birthday Invite Ever," this mom goes into absurd detail about what presents would and would not be acceptable to celebrate the all-important milestone for her son. Her reasoning? She wants those nearest and dearest to give him things he can really use and avoid duplication. She's even gracious enough to ask that gift-giving be limited to two items per household.
A lot of parents may agree with the logic behind this. After all, birthdays usually mean a pile of gifts that your kid just doesn't need. And just what are you supposed to do with three identical sets of blocks? It's the reason re-gifting is such a phenomenon. So, sure, there are times we all wish we could tailor-make a list of toys for gift-giving occasions. In fact, there are kid gift registries on and at Toys 'R' Us exactly for this purpose. However, it seems as though this mom takes it to an entirely new level.
What really puts her instructions over-the-top are what she deems "a few important items" that guests need to take note of.
To demand very specific gifts is one thing, but to require a receipt because she plans to return the gift to buy baby formula isn't very gracious. She also "suggests" that no one get any books other than the one she listed. And there are to be no personalized gifts that are supposed to be used outside of the house. Why, you wonder? "Clothing with names is the #1 thing that leads to kidnapping," she writes.
Perhaps she should also be concerned about the message she is sending to those close to her. The people in our lives should have the freedom to buy what they feel is appropriate and what they can afford. If they want guidance, they will ask for it. And if she receives something she doesn't like, perhaps she needs to repeat quietly to herself: You get what you get and you don't get upset.