Heart in hand
“Do you see this whole heart? It’s all for you. Every single inch of it. Because I love you, human!”
Puppy fat is the best kind of fat
ROLLS! Look at all the puppy rolls!
Pampered pup
“Why walk when being carried is an option? This puppy hasn’t touched the ground in months.”
Seeing double
Is it just us or is this the cutest pairing of pups to ever exist? Those perfect grins are probably hiding some terrible disaster that they just created, but we don’t mind. It’s impossible to get mad at those faces.
Dream big
“One day, I’ll be taller than this grass. Then, the world better watch out for this pup. I’ll be unstoppable then.”
Proud pup
“Look at my leaf! Look at how big it is! I’m so amazing!”
Pocket pup
“Did you know that you could fit this much cuteness into one hand? I’m a pint-sized cutie.”
Sleeping beauty
Do you think we all look this adorable while we’re sleeping? The answer is probably not, but a girl can dream, right?
Puppy energy
“OMG! A person! Come and play with me, person! Let’s frolic together in this big field. We’ll have a such a good time.”
Hold still
“Are you done admiring me yet? I want to go play now.”
Out of his element
What’s wrong with this picture? This husky should be frolicking through the snow!
The time is now
“Why are you staring at me? You should be feeding me right now. I don’t want to be cute for you right now. I want to be fed.”
Share in my joy
Cone of shame? Never! This puppy is too happy to be ashamed.
Baby blues
Now, there’s a pair of eyes that we could happily drown in.
Working hard
Patiently waiting for food to drop from the table is an endless job, but someone’s gotta do it. Luckily, this puppy is definitely up to the challenge.
Picky about pink
“I want to play ball, but pink’s not my color. Do you have anything in the blue range? I want to see my options.”
Time for a nap
Cutest. Yawn. Ever.
Hands off
It looks as if someone’s claiming dibs on this toy. Everyone else, back off!
Something's in the air
“I love spring, but my allergies are already kicking in. My puppy sneezes are on the way. I can feel them coming!”
All smiles
If that’s not the definition of a happy-go-lucky puppy, then we don’t know what is!
Avoiding adulthood
He’s afraid to grow up. Don’t worry, bud. You’re still Peter Pan at heart!
Finders keepers
“This toy is mine. Go and get your own. I’m not sharing.”
Getting ready for the big reveal
“I have all my hopes and dreams hidden under my paw. I’m keeping them trapped here until I’m ready to let them go into the world.”
The ears give it away
Peekaboo, I see you!
Covered in snow and shame
Something here has gone terribly wrong. Did he trip and fall into a snow pile? What’s the story here?
Request for playtime denied
“I’m too sleepy to entertain you right now. Try again tomorrow.”
Fighting it off
The struggle to stay awake is so real. We feel ya, bud. Every Monday morning is the same for us.
Paws-itively perfect day for an adventure
Have puppy paws, will travel.
Second helpings?
Pouting won’t work. You’re not getting any extra food. One serving is more than enough.
Awkward teen years
Soon, you will grow into your legs, little guy. On that day, we all cry at the loss of an adorable stumbling puppy. However, things will be much better for you.
Starting young
Modeling comes naturally to this husky puppy. He’s going to go pro when he’s older.
Simple path to happiness
“I’m grinnin’ from ear to ear because you’re here with me. That’s really all I need.”
You'll never find me
Playing hide-and-seek is easy when you’re almost the exact same color as the carpet. Hiding in plain sight is the perfect plan.
Fur on fur on fur
Please stay fluffy your whole life, pup. You’re so cuddly that we could just cry.
Sunny days are here to stay
Is there anything better in the world than a happy puppy? The answer is no.
Paying attention
“I have my ears perked up. All the better to hear you with, my dear. I’m actually just listening for the sound of food hitting my dish, but I can pretend to listen to you, too.”
Ruffin' it
What a wild animal — sleeping outside in a tent!
Playing to his strengths
“I is hidden. You cannot see me. I cannot see me. I is very good at hiding.”
Plan of action
“This is how this works. I lay on my back and give you the puppy pout. Then, you think that I deserve more attention. Then, I get belly rubs. Mission accomplished.”
Excited to be a beagle
Don’t worry, little guy. You’ll soon be howling with the best of them. Just be patient!
Time for a car ride
Tongue out, window down. Today is going to be a good day.
Playgrounds are for puppies
“OK, who’s going to push me? This is my only exercise for the entire week. Someone better get back here and push me.”
Edible plants for one
“This garden party is making me hungry. I think I see a flower over there that I should be eating. Put me down, please. It’s chow time.”
Playing fetch, sort of
“The ball is moving too fast! Someone catch it for me! I definitely won’t be able to catch it myself. I need some help.”
Doggedly determined
“At this rate, I’ll never be home in time for dinner. Someone better pick me up and carry me. Tonight is roast chicken! I can’t miss that.”
Taste testing
“Did you have peanut butter for lunch? I can taste it on this pointer finger. Next time, add some jam. That would really hit the spot.”
Puppy matters
Small pink nose? Check.
Small pink paw? Check.
Eyes firmly closed? Check.
Yes, it’s official. We have a sleeping puppy on our hands. Everyone be quiet now. His sleep is more important than anything else.
Where's my lullaby?
“Why is there a puppy on me right now? I’m trying to nap. Someone, sing me a song! I need to be lulled to sleep.”
Puppy puns are the best kind of puns
Can you spot the puppy? Get it? “Spot” the puppy? It’s too clever a joke to pass up!
View to admire
“Oh, is there a pretty sunset behind me? I hadn’t noticed. I was more focused on how cute I looked sitting here.”