During your baby’s first year, every holiday is extra special. It’s so fun to celebrate each holiday a little more than usual just to honor the fact that it’s your baby’s first time experiencing the festivities.
Of course, going overboard with every holiday can be expensive — one free way to celebrate is by taking one-of-a-kind holiday-themed photos. No matter the holiday, you can create a special photo op.
For Valentine’s Day photos, gather up some flowers, paper hearts, and chocolates — then grab your phone or a camera and start shooting. Here are some easy photos to take on your baby’s first Valentine’s Day.
More from Mom.com: Cute Baby Valentine’s Day Gifts
Rose Petals

Roses are essential for Valentine’s Day, so use some rose petals to set up a beautiful baby photo. Spread out some petals on a white sheet or blanket, then put your baby right in the middle and snap some sweet photographs.
Heart Hands

Keep things really simple by just making a heart shape around your baby’s feet with your hands and snapping a photo — no props or setup necessary.
Big Red Heart

Babies love to play with new items, so give them a big red heart to hold onto. The red heart could be made of paper, cardboard, plastic, or fabric. Use a comfy blanket or soft carpet to keep baby comfortable.
Valentine's Day Cookies

OK, so babies can’t actually make cookies by themselves, but it’s cute to watch them try! If your baby is closer to age one when Valentine’s Day comes around, this is a really fun activity and photo shoot in one.
Baby's First Valentine

Valentine’s Day is all about love letters, so why not give your baby their very first Valentine’s Day card? Make sure to take a photo as you pass the card to your little one — then sit together and read what you wrote.
Red Heart Balloon

Is there anything babies love more than balloons? A single red heart balloon is a great prop for a photo (just watch your baby closely to make sure they don’t get the string wrapped around themselves).
Heart Sunglasses

Is your baby just too cool for school? Or perhaps too young to smile for a photo? Keep things easy by putting a pair of heart sunglasses on your baby and snapping a quick picture. If you have older kids, you can get them in on the fun with their own heart-shaped sunglasses.
Lipstick Kisses

Babies have the most kissable cheeks — and foreheads, and hands, and shoulders, and bellies. Cover your little one in lipstick kisses for a sweet picture.
Paper Hearts

For this photo, place baby on a shag rug with red paper hearts all around them. This photo idea also serves as a fun craft project for an older kiddo, since they can cut out all the hearts!
Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

If you’re willing to get a little messy, this photo idea is a great choice. Let your baby dip strawberries into melted chocolate (make sure it’s not too hot). It’ll make a big mess, but that’s the fun of it!