Risa Kerslake

Risa is a registered nurse turned freelance writer from the Midwest and mama to one little girl. She has too many coffee mugs, loves the thought of sleeping in, and actually makes the recipes she pins on Pinterest. She began blogging back in 2012 about the hilarious, and at times, painful, path infertility has taken her down. She is the author of the website Risa Kerslake Writes and her favorite topics are parenting, infertility and what happens when the two collide. She loves connecting with other moms on her Facebook page, and is a big believer in it taking a village to raise a child.

What was your favorite childhood toy?

Barbies. Hands down. I had everything for them, including a boom
box that would play a real 90s dance track. I had a shoebox stuffed with Barbie
clothes. It's probably the reason why as an adult, I always feel the need to
incessantly change outfits throughout the day.