Monica Olivera

Monica Olivera is a freelance education writer and the creator of, a site for Latino families that homeschool, as well as families with children in a traditional school setting who want to take a more active role in their children’s education. Monica feels quite strongly about the future of our children, and believes that all parents should get involved in their children’s education and strive to raise their kids to be proud of their heritage and culture. As a result, Monica has also created the Latin Baby Book Club, where she reviews Latino children’s literature, and is a founding member of Latinas for Latino Literature. In both 2011 and 2012, she was the winner of the LATISM Best Latina Education Blogger award.

What was your favorite toy as a child?

I don't think I really had a favorite toy as a child, though I probably had the same amount as everyone else. Instead, my fondest pastimes were typing on my grandfather's old typewriter (I pretended to be his secretary) and spending hours at a time reading books or playing in the garden. Books, plants, and bugs make great toys!